The WhatsApp messaging service has recently been expanding its platform with a number of new features. It now appears that the system is working on a new feature that would enable users to connect an Android tablet to an already-existing WhatsApp account. This was discovered in the application’s version of the Google Play Beta Program.
This feature is a different iteration of WhatsApp’s multi-device Companion Mode, according to WABetaInfo. Similar to how we link our WhatsApp account on a PC, the new capability will work. Users will soon be able to use the same account on up to four devices, including tablets, with a new upgrade.
To start the process of syncing WhatsApp conversations with an Android tablet, go to WhatsApp Settings > Linked Devices and scan the QR code. Once the joining process was complete, you could even switch off the Internet on your phone and use WhatsApp on your tablet. Initially, you needed Internet access to start the linking process.
An intriguing feature is the companion mode’s ability to connect an iPhone WhatsApp account to an Android tablet. Only a small number of beta testers have access to this functionality at the moment. We must thus wait until the larger rollout.